Coronado Mainstreet
The 4-Point Approach
Every great social innovation started with an idea, built from the ground up, and was pitched (probably many times!) before it achieved success and scale. With the input of students, professors, and industry professionals, we've compiled an expansive bank of resources to help you do the same.
Explore videos, articles, books, documentaries, YouTube channels, and Twitter threads in conjunction with the steps you take to develop your GSIC pitch, or jump around to find the information most applicable to your specific venture!
Step 1: Developing your Idea
To have a great idea, one must first have many ideas. Here are some helpful tools for helping you develop yours - with the end user of your innovation at the center:
Acumen Academy
Stanford d. School
The 5 Stages of Design Thinking
Integrative Design For Systems Change
Stanford d. School
How To Change The World? Get The Small Things Right
Y Combinator
Biggest Mistakes First-Time Founders Make
Y Combinator
Step 2: Building your Venture
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was Kiva (look it up if you haven’t heard of it). Here are some lessons and principles that will help - however many days it takes:
Lean Startup Principles For The Social Sector
Acumen Academy
Twitch Founder Startup Advice (Twitter Thread)
Y Combinator
Business Models For Social Enterprise
Acumen Academy
One Order Of Operations For Starting A Startup
Y Combinator
Y Combinator
Biggest Mistakes First-Time Founders Make
Y Combinator
Step 3: Creating your Pitch
Perfect pitch only exists in music, not in entrepreneurship. With that being said, here are some tools to help refine both the content and visuals for yours:
How To Build Your Seed Round Pitch Deck
Y Combinator
How To Design A Better Pitch Deck
Y Combinator
Pitch Decks From Famous Startups
Houck’s Newsletter
Y Combinator
Pitch Practice At Startup School SV 2016
Y Combinator
Helpful Reading
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a thousand words can teach you more. Here are some other great reads for social innovators:

Helpful Viewing
More of a visual learner? Take advantage of some of the best videos and channels to learn more about the need for social innovation and the context you’re operating in: