Coronado Mainstreet
The 4-Point Approach

global finalists
Below are the student ventures competing in the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge for the 2021 cohort. These teams hail from every continent and address all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Take a look at these student leaders and learn more about how they are changing the world for the better.

The Agbogblo.Shine Initiative is a social enterprise exploring solutions to Africa's largest electronic waste dump, Agbogbloshie. This social enterprise advocates for environmental awareness and climate action, helps dump workers to convert or upcycle trash into value added products such as art or high-end furniture. Supported by organizations such as the Ford Foundation, World Bank’s Climate Innovation Centre, they continue to pursue their objective of mitigation of the prevalent environmental degradation at the dumpsite.


Agrisol AgVenture provides agriculture graduates and high school dropouts with jobs in Ghana. We do this by producing biogas with waste from households, food vendors and farmlands and going further to make manure out of the sludge (residue from production). The biogas and manure are sold to farmers as a source of affordable and clean energy to help power their irrigation machines, and a healthier way to increase the quality and quantity of their produce respectively.


A model of community water purification franchises to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, promote productivity and empower social service organizations.


TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000
Algeon Materials is fighting petroleum plastic pollution and climate change by leveraging ocean derived materials to create sustainable plastic alternative solutions. Our vision is that when waste ends up in our landfills and waterways, it breaks down and goes away. We are looking to help businesses reach their CSR and sustainability goals by providing truly sustainable solutions created through regenerative processes.

Auris AI empowers healthcare providers by bringing the expertise of the most knowledgeable cardiologists to their stethoscopes.

BAE is for women, by women. BAE is a chaperon service where women can reach out via a Facebook community group to volunteers to walk them home at night. Whether from a night club or a late night shift, women shouldn’t feel scared or anxious. BAE volunteers will help women get home safely.

An app for rewarding teachers based on their progress on projects we provide them with.

Big & Mini is a company that creates meaningful, 1:1 connections between youth and older adults.

SECOND PLACE | TOP 12 TEAM - $10,000

Bolamall is an e-commerce waste market place that uses technology to market recyclable waste by making them available for trade (buying and selling) to recycling companies and firms. The business model is designed to serve as an intermediary by providing an online platform where Individuals can donate their reusable wastes and as well waste recycling Enterprises or private recycling businesses trade recyclable wastes in the African market.

In the aim to stop bullying 4 social entrepreneurs aim to tackle it head on, with a streamlined physical approach targeting school systems throughout Australia with the use of certain professionals detailing specific information in regard to bullying in all its forms, as well as outlining key ideas to help moving forward.

CareTaker is a digital solution aimed at promoting healthy ageing and well-being of the elderly in India in the age group of 60-75.

Charitable Donations is focused on enhancing accessibility as well as sustainability when it comes to alleviating poverty through donation giving and charity work between donors and nonprofits.

The Claw team's project assesses the issue of worker safety at height on flat roofs. They risk their lives every day because the safety equipment available on the market does not meet their needs. The Claw team offers an anchor that meets the needs of workers, portable and reactive.

Think “Tinder” for sustainably sourced collegiate gear and higher education networking. "college thrifts" is an inclusive peer to peer platform for students/alumni to buy/sell their gently used college branded items and network amongst users The "college thrifts" goal is to create more inclusive and sustainable institutions of higher education, supporting economic development amongst college students, and creating mentorship opportunities.

Creative Charities is a website that connects businesses and consumers around social causes. Consumers submit causes or charities they care about, we match them to businesses based on shared values, and we advertise what the business is doing for the community via media partners. Businesses will have a stronger understanding of their customers and increased customer loyalty. Consumers will develop a better relationship with businesses and will see causes they care about helped.

DonorBridge is a platform for connecting businesses having excess goods with local charities having needs for such goods. It is easy to use, efficient, and only accessible to nonprofit organizations. It will create the space for a consolidation of local resources, removing the need for nonprofits to turn to the often unreliable methods of acquiring resources that they currently utilize.

EthiCart is a user friendly app that helps you shop for food for sustainability simply by scanning a barcode. We suggest more sustainable alternatives where possible so it’s easy for you to buy products aligned with your values.

Early-Stage health-tech startup developed through the Nasa-Transfer Program. Leveraging Nasa-grade technology to measures volatile organic compounds in the human breathe, and measure & monitor the state of the user's health.

Garden Mimesis is a project whose main mission is to help governments and large companies to comply with the sustainable development commitments, framed in the Agenda 2030. To achieve this, Garden Mimesis proposes an urban nature project in large cities through the cultivation and planting of genetically improved plants to, more efficiently, capture one of the main greenhouse gases, the CO2.

GO ORGANIC is an agricultural undertaking which aims at impacting, influencing and sustaining communities through the rearing of Rabbits. Rearing rabbits produces many benefits, such as white meat, fur, and organic fertilizers, contributing to the development and sustainability of our community.

TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000

Golden-bio company transforms human excrete into renewable bio-methane gas for large scale community consumption.

Govuka is a youth leadership incubator based in Eswatini. Our mission is to deliver a peer led anti-sugar daddy campaign to reduce risky sex among adolescent girls. We envision an Eswatini with significantly reduced teenage pregnancy and no HIV infections in adolescent girls.


We are a team of aspiring entrepreneurs dedicated to promoting the health and well being of our community by making mental health services instantly accessible to anyone with a smartphone.


Hempress is an innovative feminine hygiene brand on a mission to provide women worldwide access to the high-quality, natural products they deserve while also continuously striving to fight the stigma surrounding the female menstrual cycle. Our priority is to ensure our products are healthy for our customers and the environment by creating biodegradable, sustainable products through harnessing the power of hemp fiber.

THIRD PLACE | TOP 12 TEAM - $5,000

Here I am aims to alleviate educational disparity caused by the introduction of remote classes after the outbreak of COVID-19, by the facilitation of local resources.

Creation of underwater plants of reverse osmosis in order to generate power and produce drinking water, reducing the negative impact of other non-renewable sources of both goods on the environment.

Our mission is to provide high quality, environmentally friendly, and low cost building materials and techniques for affordable housing to build sustainable communities.
The Interlock Stabilized Soil Bricks and its construction technology will help the community to acquire affordable houses.

Jeweled is a trans-centric dating app made to transition into a more meaningful relationship.

A innovative approach at a stormwater management and filtration device.

TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000

LABLE is an online marketplace seeking to eliminate inequalities in the fashion industry for people living with disabilities through seamless connection to small adaptive brands. LABLE is more than a website; it is a holistic system creating a change in how the retail industry functions.

TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000

We create accessible and tailor-made assistive technologies to promote social, academic and labor inclusion of people with severe disabilities in Mexico. Examples of our developments are: a mobile augmentative and alternative communication application, 3d printing orthoses, and devices to use the computer that work with the movement of the mouth, the chin or a finger, a sound or whatever the user is able to do.

My Psych is a social enterprise that digitizes psychotherapy to help psychiatry practitioners save time and facilitate treatment for patients with mental illnesses. My Psych also serves the unserved and underserved to get accessible and reliable mental health treatment through the platform.

NetPharma exists to provide easy access to medication upon doctor's prescription. The general problem in Ghana is that after prescription from the doctor, it is the duty of the patient or a family member to locate a pharmacy for the drug. In almost all instances, locating the right pharmacy with the particular drug is a challenge. Net pharma seeks to provide a bridge and help patients locate medication.

Ozero Solutions has developed an innovative boat washing system to stop the propagation of aquatic invasive species.

Paso Cero is a social entrepreneurship program for students that want to help the world but don’t have a team or an idea.

PROCIEGO is aiming to contribute to creating a sustainable and inclusive society by developing robotic walker with navigation software for the visually impaired. The robot named ‘Navi-Ro’ guides blind people to their indoor destination on the shortest route. While walking, it informs them of obstacles as well. With ‘Navi-Ro’, we have no doubt that we can make a positive change throughout the world.

TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000
R-Viviendas is a Social Investment Fund that promotes systemic changes that challenges and transforms the housing sector by creating affordable housing, through the redevelopment of abandoned buildings.

REFEET APPAREL is a clothing brand that is focused on reusing and redesigning products to make one of a kind clothing; not only that impacts you, but our environment as well. A company committed on providing a sustainable, reliable, and affordable venture to buying clothing and shoes.

TOP 12 TEAM - $1,000

Sakha Sive is a hydroponic farming initiative using a for-profit model aimed at addressing issues of food insecurity and resource wastage generated by productive inefficiencies created by climate change and political instability in Africa.

Seeds as microloans to female smallholder farmers in rural Uganda - that is Seedloans. Farmers receive a package of 10kg robust seeds, fertilizer, training and direct digital support. This turns into 100kg harvest, of which farmers pay back 20kg. Like Microfinance but simple, targeted and user-orientated.

FIRST PLACE | TOP 12 TEAM - $22,000

Studio Dietitian is inspired by the increasing demands in dietitian consultation and services as well as the scarce opportunity for dietitians to be placed in the hospital settings, a team of keen dietitians come up with the idea of a freelance platform for dietitians and using social media as the most efficient in educating the public.

Tequio is an ecological brick which takes advantage of the accumulation of about 8 million tons of plastic per year in Mexico. Thanks to its composition, it becomes an ecological, affordable, durable, and lightweight material, as well as its modular design allows it to be self-manageable, this means a construction alternative for 70% of the population that self-builds their homes in the country.

Our social venture is Tetra Aseptic Packaging for water. Our mission is to combat environmental degradation in Rwanda due to plastic water bottle packaging.

Our product is a smart cart attachment that measures, manages and prevents food waste through data-driven decisions. Reducing food waste is the #1 solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Urbeden is the ideal app for urban gardeners around the world. Providing a essential tools for effective communication and connecting communities dedicated to bettering cities and the environment.

We are team UTOPIA, a group of individuals out to tackle poverty, health problems and pollution by making environmentally friendly and bio-based products.

We want to leverage the increasing smartphone penetration in India (70% (820 mn) by 2022) by creating an app called Veditva to equip the students with all the necessary Computer skills by simulating the computer screen on smartphone and making learning gamified.


VitaGum is an Oxford-based start-up on a mission to tackle refugee malnutrition and dental healthcare challenges with an innovative vitamin-infused antimicrobial chewing gum. Alongside, we are working to develop a product range to be launched to European consumers as a buy-one-give-one business model.